Chocolate Cheescakes for Two

Wedding planning consumes me, and I feel totally guilty for neglecting my blog. I've been meaning to post this for 2 weeks now! For those of you who are still around, thank you. :o) I have a lot of comfort fall desserts I want to make now that autumn is practically here.

  • 2 oz. (1/4 of 8-oz. pkg.) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 1 square Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
  • 1/2 cup thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping
  • 2 Oreo Cookies

  1. Beat first 3 ingredients in medium bowl with whisk until well blended. Stir in COOL WHP.
  2. Place 1 Oreo cookie on the bottom of each paper-lined medium muffin cups (make sure you place the liners in a muffin pan so the liners don't flatten out before the cheesecake thickens); top with cream cheese mixture. Mixture will be somewhat thick, so use a small spatula to spread it evenly.
  3. Refrigerate for 2 hours and eat up!

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